I come from a place of neglect and abuse. For this reason, I keep most at an arm's length. I spent most of my childhood sad and alone. I consider myself to be a recovering Adult Child of An Alcoholic. My dad had t...
I wasn't sure if I would actually do this but here it goes. Earlier today Jennifer Gimenez sent me out a tweet and convinced me to tell my story to share so it could possibly help someone. I may not have been in the deepest of troubles like some o...
My Story...
One day I felt I was on top of the world. I was married to the man of my dreams, had two young boys, and was six mmonths pregnant.
i was awakened by a telephone call at 3 AM, it was my Father in law telling my Hu...
I am 40 yrs old and have had anxiety and depression my whole life. i was introduced to opiates when i was 22 yrs old, later than most of you. I never had euphoria, only the loss of anxiety and depression, it took away that scared "i ju...
Born and raised in a small town in the north east, my childhood was very normal and happy. I have a good family and I recall many get together, party's, and friends. I remember the full lamb my dad used to cook on the picket, we are Greek...
Chapter 130 Finding the light during the holidays!
For the last 6 years the holidays have been very hard for me. After I lost my grandmother in the spring 2007 when the holidays came around I didn't want to celebrate them. It was hard to celebrate the holidays especially Christmas without my grand...
I wasn't one of the people who had a horrible bottom that would bring me into recovery -- just because you jump off before you reach destruction doesn't lesson the reality of addiction. Some are just more fortunate the others.
I was...
I sat in the car outside of my apartment in Sherman Oaks, California in distress. Nothing had happened, no big event triggered me, but this was my normal. I had been crying for several days, unabl...
Wow! I am really going to do this- write it all down.....I have lived with this pain my entire life and maybe just maybe if I write my story I will feel better inside. I really do...
I grew up in a messy house. I was too ashamed to let kids come over. At a young age I realized my house was different. It was then that I had to live a lie and pretend I was “normal” and I c...
Journey to freedom......I was born with a cleft palette my whole childhood I felt different got made fun of by the neighborhood kids and by 7 I shutdown and withdrawn after I seen my daddy cry at my grandmoms funeral "why did god make my daddy cry...
What is normal?
I spent many years living in false identity. I grew up in the normal home with two brothers and two great parents. In a small town in California. In school i was never popular, never appealed or conformed to the social stat...