I grew up in a house where whiskey was the answer to a sore throat. I don't remember my first drink because I was probably very young. I always hung around the bad kids. In high school my boyfriend was one of the well known dealers. I stayed with...
I wasn't one of the people who had a horrible bottom that would bring me into recovery -- just because you jump off before you reach destruction doesn't lesson the reality of addiction. Some are just more fortunate the others.
I was...
I sat in the car outside of my apartment in Sherman Oaks, California in distress. Nothing had happened, no big event triggered me, but this was my normal. I had been crying for several days, unabl...
Someones addiction sadly as it sounds never really ends, there's always the if's and reminders. I remember when I could go for days smoking meth and be like so jacked up I'd forget what day it was sometimes, but I always knew when the week...
Chapter 180 You Dont Know How Strong You Really Are
Where do I begin my story starts when I was a little girl. I was around 7yrs old when at the time I didn't realize what was happening to me til later on in life. I was at my grandmother's funeral the first time I remember things...
Wow! I am really going to do this- write it all down.....I have lived with this pain my entire life and maybe just maybe if I write my story I will feel better inside. I really do...
I grew up in a messy house. I was too ashamed to let kids come over. At a young age I realized my house was different. It was then that I had to live a lie and pretend I was “normal” and I c...
Hello sober brothers & sisters
I have been clean & sober since 1992.I hit rock bottom two years before but didn't quit using cocaine. I'm a baby boomer born in the middle of the 50's so my generation was liberal towards smoking pot...
In some ways, I saw myself heading down the path of destruction long before I ever took that first drink or drug. When I was born I had trouble breathing and had to spend 6 months in the hospital. The medical difficulties ended up resulting in a b...
My love affair with alcohol began my freshman year in college. I was a child of privilege, going to Catholic school living in an affluent neighborhood and yet never felt worthy. I was aware I was adopted at 2 days old and that felt lik...
Journey to freedom......I was born with a cleft palette my whole childhood I felt different got made fun of by the neighborhood kids and by 7 I shutdown and withdrawn after I seen my daddy cry at my grandmoms funeral "why did god make my daddy cry...
My son is a 17 year old young man who left our home today to live in a sober community. He has dropped out of high school, and no longer desires to be a part of our family on a day to day basis. I am hurt, and so is his sister. H...