Someones addiction sadly as it sounds never really ends, there's always the if's and reminders. I remember when I could go for days smoking meth and be like so jacked up I'd forget what day it was sometimes, but I always knew when the week...
I grew up in a messy house. I was too ashamed to let kids come over. At a young age I realized my house was different. It was then that I had to live a lie and pretend I was “normal” and I c...
Journey to freedom......I was born with a cleft palette my whole childhood I felt different got made fun of by the neighborhood kids and by 7 I shutdown and withdrawn after I seen my daddy cry at my grandmoms funeral "why did god make my daddy cry...
My son is a 17 year old young man who left our home today to live in a sober community. He has dropped out of high school, and no longer desires to be a part of our family on a day to day basis. I am hurt, and so is his sister. H...